Set list

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Item Number Name Year Фигурок Pcs count Price
4866 LEGO 4866 The Knight Bus

Harry Potter
2011 3   273   34.99$ 
4865 LEGO 4865 The Fobidden Forest

Harry Potter
2011 4   64   11.99$ 
4867 LEGO 4867 Hogwarts

Harry Potter
2011 7   466   49.99$ 
10217 LEGO 10217 Diagon Alley

Harry Potter
2011 12   2025   149.99$ 
TRU01 LEGO TRU01 Harry Potter Quidditch Tower (TRU Event Exclusive)

Harry Potter
2002 0   38    
4842 LEGO 4842 Hogwart's Castle

Harry Potter-> Half-Blood Prince
2010 11   1290   129.99$ 
4840 LEGO 4840 The Burrow

Harry Potter-> Half-Blood Prince
2010 6   568   59.99$ 
4738 LEGO 4738 Hagrid's Hut

Harry Potter
2010 4   442   39.99$ 
4737 LEGO 4737 Quidditch Match

Harry Potter
2010 5   153   19.99$ 
4736 LEGO 4736 Freeing Dobby

Harry Potter-> Chamber of Secrets
2010 3   75   10.99$ 
4841 LEGO 4841 Hogwart's Express

Harry Potter
2010 5   646   79.99$ 
4695 LEGO 4695 MINI Knight Bus

Harry Potter-> Prisoner of Azkaban-> Mini
2004 0   54    
4701 LEGO 4701 Sorting Hat

Harry Potter-> Sorcerer
2001 1   48   7.00$ 
4702 LEGO 4702 The Final Challenge

Harry Potter-> Sorcerer
2001 2   60   10.00$ 
4704 LEGO 4704 The Chamber of the Winged Keys

Harry Potter-> Sorcerer's Stone
2001 2   175   20.00$ 
4705 LEGO 4705 Snape's Classroom

Harry Potter-> Sorcerer
2001 2   163   20.00$ 
4706 LEGO 4706 Forbidden Corridor

Harry Potter-> Sorcerer
2001 3   238   30.00$ 
4707 LEGO 4707 Hagrid's Hut

Harry Potter-> Sorcerer
2001 2   299   30.00$ 
4708 LEGO 4708 Hogwarts

Harry Potter-> Sorcerer's Stone-> 9V
2001 3   410   50.00$ 
4709 LEGO 4709 Hogwarts Castle

Harry Potter-> Sorcerer's Stone
2001 8   682   90.00$ 
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