Minifigs List for user Fenix
LEGO cas516 Castle - King 2 x cas516
LEGO cas517 Castle - King 2 x cas517
LEGO cas518a Castle - Dragon Knight Scale Mail with Dragon Shield and Shoulder Armor, Helmet with Neck Protector, Angry Scowl 2 x cas518a
LEGO cas528 Castle - Dragon Knight Scale Mail with Dragon Shield, Cheek Protection Helmet, Missing Tooth Open Grin 2 x cas528
LEGO cas533 Castle - Lion Princess 1 x cas533
LEGO cas534 Castle - Dragon Wizard 1 x cas534
LEGO cas535 Castle - King 1 x cas535
LEGO cas536 Castle - King 1 x cas536
LEGO cas537 Castle - Dragon Knight Scale Mail with Dragon Shield, Cheek Protection Helmet, Bushy Eyebrows 1 x cas537