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Want to play Angry Birds in real life? May be K`Nex will help you.

It seems that getting Mario licence was not enough for K'Nex. Some time ago they anounced their partnership with Rovio, by getting rights for making construction toys based on very popular mobile game title - Angry Birds.


Each set will include famous game characters, bricks to build levels, and of course a slingshot.

Of course you couldn't use special abilities, that birds have in original game.(If they have it i will be first in the row to get them). But they've different size and weight, so that adds some variation.

For know only 6 sets are announced: four base sets priced $10.99 and two bigger sets - Danger Above and T Minus Never. Each bigger set will have more than 170 pieces inside and price tag with numbers $29.99

If you want to find out, how is it to play Angry Birds in real life, watch the Brickshow video from below.

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