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LEGO MOC Contest series "16x16": Animals. Voting.

First contest in our 16x16 LEGO MOC Contest series can be considered successful: 34 LEGO MOC entries await your comments, 25 of them await your votes.

As it will be in all future 16x16 contests, voting will be done in one round, and limited to 16 days. You need to select three best works.

Напоминаю задание конкурса:

"You need to build an animal from LEGO parts, that fit 16x16 studs. You could use any LEGO parts. Other brands parts are prohibited. You need to provide at least one photo with a base plate."

Voting will be active till March, 11 2014 .

Notice! Please don't try to cheat. We will find it and you will be put to our "Hall of Fame" your entry will be dismissed, and you will not be able to participate in our next contests. Play fair!

Contest sponsors

Contest sponsor is e-shop of LEGO construction toys - 613BRICKS


P.S. DeTomaso Pantera photos are used in this article
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