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New preview website of LEGO Dino launched.

There is new section opened at It is dedicated to LEGO Dino series that is scheduled to release at 2012 . At the moment it is just a preview site, similar to what we have seen with Atlantis.

At first time you need to choose the easy "puzzle". After putting everything out you are able to combine the torn paper and get the code - 638.

When we have code, we need to enter it to get access to materials of lost expedition.


We will see sad photo story about the three adventures, who have come into great egg at jungle, after they have met the dinosaur that hatched from this egg the story ends. It seems that their lives end as well.


LegoDino1994 2011-11-15 04:21
Why do these rip off Jurassic Park and NOT The Land Before Time?
tkf 2011-11-15 04:40
Children like action. Children like fierce and horrifying dinos. So let's meet Jurassic Park.
Land Before Time is great good-hearted animated film. It was great watching it then i was a child, but as i grew up i started to prefer things like Dino Riders or Jurassic Park. I wanted action. Now when i look at good old Land Before Time i think it is a great thing, interesting turn - you like kind movies, then action movies, then you return to kind movies again. You are starting to find out that there are things more important than FX.
If you read the posts from ambassadors regarding the LEGO interesting in what series people want, there is always a note that LEGO wants to see a "conflict" there, two sides. It may be just a racing competition, but it won't be "everybody friends" world. City, Friends and Bellville are the series without two sides. But mostly LEGO series that target boys are full of action, in 90th it wasn't that much of it. For example look at Aquasharks figs, they are all good guys. And know look at new series such as Agents or World Racers - there are many bad angry guys. Hope the LEGO will change the direction and will introduce more kind figs like Pirate in 6192. Anyway consumers want hollywood like action, so LEGO give them action.
LegoDino1994 2011-11-17 22:08
I like Action stuff too. What are your thoughts on these new LEGO Dino toys?
tkf 2011-11-19 12:01
I will wait for my impression till December when it will be possible to lay hands on the set themselves. What i could say now, is that prices are not so good as i wanted :)
Also i hoped that there will be more studs on dinos, so to make easier usage of them in MOC, now it is something like simple rubber dino's toys from toy store. So may be it is cheapier and easier just to buy dinos, if they doesn't have LEGO logo on them. But i will wait till i get any of the sets, to judge myself.
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