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Part List

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Item Number Name
Mx1575pb03 Mx1575pb03 Modulex Window 1 x 7 x 5 with Black Border Pattern
Mx1575pb04 Mx1575pb04 Modulex Window 1 x 7 x 5 with Brown Border Pattern
Mx1576pb01 Mx1576pb01 Modulex Window 1 x 7 x 6 with White Border Pattern
Mx1576pb02 Mx1576pb02 Modulex Window 1 x 7 x 6 with Gray Border Pattern
Mx1576pb03 Mx1576pb03 Modulex Window 1 x 7 x 6 with Black Border Pattern
Mx1576pb04 Mx1576pb04 Modulex Window 1 x 7 x 6 with Brown Border Pattern
Mx1586pb01 Mx1586pb01 Modulex Window 1 x 8 x 6 with White Border Pattern
Mx1586pb02 Mx1586pb02 Modulex Window 1 x 8 x 6 with Gray Border Pattern
Mx1586pb03 Mx1586pb03 Modulex Window 1 x 8 x 6 with Black Border Pattern
Mx1586pb04 Mx1586pb04 Modulex Window 1 x 8 x 6 with Brown Border Pattern
Mx1590A Mx1590A Modulex Window Frame Section, Single partition (1 x 1mm cross section)
Mx1590B Mx1590B Modulex Window Frame Section, Double partition (1 x 2mm cross section)
Mx1591 Mx1591 Modulex Window Frame Section, Top 1 x 12
Mx1591L Mx1591L Modulex Window Frame Section, Top 1 x 12 (Lego on studs)
Mx1591M Mx1591M Modulex Window Frame Section, Top 1 x 12 (M on studs)
Mx1592 Mx1592 Modulex Window Frame Section, Bottom 1 x 12
Mx1593A Mx1593A Modulex Window Frame Section, Single Upright (9 stud length)
Mx1593B Mx1593B Modulex Window Frame Section, Double Upright (9 stud length)
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