Part List

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Item Number Name
x87 x87 Electric, IR Transmitter Tower, Serial with Black Front
x870a x870a Electric, Train 4.5V Whistle Thick
x870bc01 x870bc01 Electric, Train 4.5V Whistle Adjustable with Yellow Base
x870cc01 x870cc01 Electric, Train 4.5V Whistle Thin with Yellow Base
x870cc02 x870cc02 Electric, Train 4.5V Whistle Thin with Black Base
x871a x871a Electric, Train 4.5V Whistle Control Block 4 x 8 x 2 with Forward/Stop Functions
x871b x871b Electric, Train 4.5V Whistle Control Block 4 x 8 x 2 with Forward/Stop/Reverse Functions
x872 x872 Technic, Steering Arm with 4 Ball Joints
x873 x873 Technic, Steering Wheel Hub 3 Pin Triangular
x873c01 x873c01 Technic, Steering Arm with 4 Ball Joints, Complete Assembly with Black Wheel Hub
x874 x874 Technic, Steering Wheel Hub 3 Pin Holder (RC Vehicles)
x877 x877 Electric, Train 4.5V Automatic Pole Reverser Brick 4 x 9 with Magnet Holder
x877c01 x877c01 Electric, Train 4.5V Automatic Pole Reverser Brick 4 x 9 with Magnet Holder and Small Blue Train Magnet
x878cx1 x878cx1 Train, Track 4.5V Switch Point Left with White Ties
x878cx2 x878cx2 Train, Track 4.5V Switch Point Left with Dark Gray Ties
x879cx1 x879cx1 Train, Track 4.5V Switch Point Right with White Ties
x879cx2 x879cx2 Train, Track 4.5V Switch Point Right with Dark Gray Ties
x88 x88 Rubber Band Small (Square Cross Section)
x881 x881 Electric, Car Base 6 x 20 x 1 with Motor Cutout and Cable Steering 4.5V
x883 x883 Scala Cloth Blanket 22 x 12
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