Set list

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Item Number Name Year Фигурок Pcs count Price
342 LEGO 342 Station

1968 0   215    
341 LEGO 341 Warehouse

1968 0   127    
336 LEGO 336 Fire Truck

Classic-> Large Vehicles
1968 0   76    
102 LEGO 102 motor with battery box

Train-> Supplemental-> 4.5V
1968 0   12    
118 LEGO 118 Electronic Train (Forward-Stop)

Train-> 4.5V
1968 0   0    
119 LEGO 119 Super Train Set

Train-> 4.5V
1968 0   451   20.00$ 
138 LEGO 138 Electronic Train, F/B-Stop

Train-> 4.5V
1968 0   0    
156 LEGO 156 2 signals with automatic stop/go attachment

Train-> Supplemental-> 4.5V
1968 0   6    
160 LEGO 160 Magnetic Couplings

Train-> Supplemental-> 4.5V
1968 0   0    
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