LEGO Sets List for user balthazarr📈
Item Number Name Year Pcs count Figs count Price
7009 1 x 7009 The Final Joust 2007 62   2   8.00 $ 
70402 1 x 70402 The Gatehouse Raid 2013 248   4   29.99 $ 
70403 1 x 70403 Dragon Mountain 2013 376   5   49.99 $ 
7090 1 x 7090 Crossbow Attack 2007 54   3   6.00 $ 
7188 1 x 7188 King's Carriage Ambush 2011 286   4   39.99 $ 
7189 1 x 7189 Mill Village Raid 2011 663   6   69.99 $